Objective of the programme

The National Diploma programme in Business Administration and Management is aimed at producing diplomats with sound theoretical and practical knowledge to carry out a number of activities in a business concern effectively. The ND diplomate should be able to:

Conduct a simple structured survey on any aspect of business and make appropriate recommendations to the

Identify management problems at appropriate levels, analyze them and design management strategies to overcome Carry our inspection and auditing of books . Carry out evaluation of investment assets for investment purposes and assist in the analysis of investment

Interpret basic statistical & Assist in the preparation of short and long term budget

  • Write business reports and carry out various types of business communication
  • Explain basic concepts and principles in economics and their applications in mixed
  • Apply principles of accounts to different types of accounting
  • Use statistical inferences as aids to business plan and
  • Understand the basic principles of law and apply same to business relationship and
  • Explain various legal principles and procedures governing the regulations of companies as contained in company decree of
  • Apply mathematics and other quantitative techniques in management decision
  • Conduct product-planning surveys for manufacturing
  • Organize sales and distribution of
  • Carry out market research and similar
  • Carry out effective purchasing tasks and sales
  • Undertake proper storage and preservation of materials and
  • Keep simple records of financial and other transaction in any
  • Speak and write clear, correct and effective functional
  • Buy efficiently and wisely obtaining the best possible value for every Naira spent
  • Ensure continuity of supply both to the markets or production

 Entry Requirement

The general entry requirements for the ND progoramme are:

  • The WASC, GCE ‘O’ Level or the Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) or their equivalent with four credits including English Language and Mathematics (Literature in English and Oral English are not acceptable in place of English Language) and two other subjects from economics, Business Methods, Principles of Accounts, Literature in English, Commerce, History, Statistics, Geography, Government, Agric Science/Biology.
  • A credit pass in B.T.E. recognized pre National Diploma Examination.


The curriculum is structured in four semesters of classroom, studio/workshop activities in the institution and 3 to 4 month supervised industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) in a relevant industry. Each semester of institutional based activities shall be for a duration of 17 weeks distributed as follows: 15 contact weeks of teaching; i.e. recitation, practical exercises, quizzes, tests etc., and 2 weeks to be devoted for examination and registration.

Administrative Staff


Deputy Registrar

